
Here's A Little Poem.

I wrote this poem for the Fairy Tale Novels Forum. Enjoy!

There's A Place 

There’s a place
Out there in the wide world.
A place,
For all the die-hard fans.
The die-hard fans,
Of the Fairy Tale Novels.

That place is made special
By all these fans,
And without it,
None of them would know each other.
We’re die-hard fans.

The Fairy Tale Novels.
Snow White, Rose Red.
Bear, Fish.
Rachel, Paul, Alex, Kateri.
Storybook characters,
Come alive!

There’s a place
Out there in the wide world.
A place,
For all the die-hard fans.
The die-hard fans,
Of the Fairy Tale Novels.

That place is the best ever!
The Fairy Tale Novels forum.
The place where friends are made.
Honorary sisters are created.
The place where everyone,
Becomes one family.

One big family.
Marchens, Theodensons,
Blythes, Cullens, Pevensies,
McLoughlin, Hardy, Poole,
Blythe, Poole, Tyler, Clausen,
Tyler, O’Brian, Keegan,
And more!

There’s a place
Out there in the wide world.
A place,
For all the die-hard fans.
The die-hard fans,
Of the Fairy Tale Novels.

I hope you liked it! If you did then please leave a comment! Here is a link the forum
Ms Aaliyah.


Stories Page

Hello all!
Today I added a new page! it is where you will find the link to my blog for my stories! Short post I know but I gotta run!
Ms Aaliyah